To enable the youth between the ages of 13-17 to grow their talents and expand their interest areas, and the mature adults to share their years of wisdom. Building upon new and fresh memories can assist in overcoming the abrupt change in their young lives and begin to build family closeness, strength, and support.
TransformationNow Inc. is a faith-based, non-profit organization that offers a program called “G.E.Ms” GRAND Parent’s and GRAND Kinship Educate Mind’s. Our program is designed to help the younger generation recognize their personal strengths and identity through the assistance and leadership of their GEMs. TransformationNow is going back to the basics “It takes a village to raise a child. ‘African Proverb
G -Grand's E - Educate M - Mind's
Whether you are a "GRAND" Father, "GRAND" Mother "GRAND" Kinship or "GRAND" Child you are valuable and priceless. As a GEMs, you have given a wealth of time, given loving care to family and given personal and professional advice. "GRAND" your life is a living document that engulfs influence, guidance, encouragement, and means. Being who you are as “GRAND” will have a long lasting effect that impacts our future generations. You are a GEM!!
TransformationNow Inc. recognizes the wisdom and experiences of GEM who can make a difference in creating wise and creative leaders. This celebrated "GRAND" is imparting knowledge to the youth which makes a personal and participatory investment of memories for a lifetime.
GEMs interaction with designed activities that aid in relationship development through mentored styled leadership is the formula for the life transformed.
Learn how to financially support your grandchildren
Learn what it means to be in a kinship and how you can be involved.
Learn ways to house your grandchild.
Learn how to find others like you who are in your position that could assist you in your kinship journey.
Learn about legal documents and statements about grandparent kinship, financial help, etc.